TTC journey so far

June 2014 -
Married!! Better enjoy our honeymoon since it'll be our last holiday with just the two of us for a while...

July 2014 -
Hmm... Oh well, only one month in! (I cringe now at how disappointed I was at our lack of success on month 1!)

August - November 2014 -
Any day now....

November 2014 -
Time to try acupuncture and herbs

January 2015 -
Let's just rule out a hormone imbalance

February 2015 -
Hormones all good. Adios acupuncture (aka money-drain)....hola semen analysis....oh crap :(

April 2015 -
First meeting with Napro

June 2015 -
Officially give up all things delicious from our diet in an attempt to get knocked up naturally. Varicocele surgery.

September 2015 -
Meeting with consultant about another laparoscopic surgery - this will definitely be the answer to our problems!!

October 2015 -
Hysteroscopy and our world comes crashing down around us...The hysteroscopy and MRI of the previous month were to check if I have a bicornuate uterus (suspicion of Napro doctor) or a unicornuate uterus (as diagnosed after 2013 lap by a different consultant). Unfortunately I was diagnosed with having a didelphys uterus with an opening on only one side, meaning space is very limited in there and we should prepare ourselves for potential late-term miscarriages/preterm birth. And we can't even get pregnant in the first place!

November 2015 -
Open day with a fertility clinic about IVF
Meeting with my consultant again to get confirmation of the bad news (and to line his pocket with more dosh)

January 2016 - 
Begin acupuncture with the IVF clinic's acupuncturist, which is a way more positive experience than my previous one.
Trying to practice yoga, eat clean...just be as healthy as possible in preparation for......

February 2016 -
ICSI # 1
Short protocol - 9 days of stims,
14 eggs collected, 12 mature, 7 fertilized and looking normal,
4dp collection we get the call to say that they're lagging far behind and it doesn't look good
5dp collection confirmation that none of our embryos made it

July 2016
ICSI # 2
Same protocol as before - 10 days of stims
20 eggs collected, 17 mature, 12 fertilized
Elective freeze due to OHSS
Two day 5 blastocysts frozen
Time to prepare to FET

October 2016
FET# 1
One hatching blast transferred

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