Friday, 28 October 2016

FET - done!

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted....I've just been getting on with life - both enjoying it and and preparing for our FET...which was yesterday. Our first hatching blastocyst survived thaw and was put back in yesterday afternoon. My acupuncturist also works out of our fertility clinic so she gave me pre and post acupuncture sessions on site. As I set myself up on the table for the first session, all I could think was it felt like this was happening to someone else. I can't believe we've gotten this far.

The transfer went smoothly and I've been feeling good since. Calm, positive, hopeful. I'm realistic enough to know that the hardest days are to come, but for the moment I'm going to enjoy this feeling of NOT freaking out. I'm pretty exhausted for some reason so my plan to lie on the couch, watching TV and reading for a few days feels good right now. I'm also bloating up as if I'm on stims again, but I'm guessing that's normal.

My beta is 8th November. A Tuesday. So, my plan is test on the morning of Sunday, the 6th so that I can mentally come to terms with the news without having to go straight into work after. I feel like I've followed every old wives tale and piece of advice out there. My relentless research and googling of the past couple of months has probably got something to do with the tiredness I'm feeling! I just pray to God that something is working. Fingers, toes and everything crossed. We are so ready for this to be our time.

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